
What is your passion project?

Caring for patients or loved ones, although rewarding, can be physically and emotionally consuming but having a passion project re-energizes you and forces you to devote time to yourself and the things that make you happy. Now think about the one thing you would do right now if you had all the money and time in the world. What is the dream you would dedicate yourself to and pursue passionately if you had no responsibilities to any one else. Toss this idea around in your thoughts and consider, if you really went for it, what would it take to make this dream a reality? Consider also the things you feel are keeping you from achieving this life goal or project and really analyze them. Are they absolute obstacles or could you chip away at them little by little while you build your passion project.

For most people, obstacle numero uno is Money. If this applies to you have a look at your bank statements for last year and get an idea of your spending habits. Are there any areas you would be able to tighten your budget on in order to create the funds for your true passion? Are there grants available for your passion project? Is your project something that other people would be willing to donate to? Is your passion something people could buy and theoretically sustain itself once you got it going if you put in an initial investment?

The other popular obstacle is Time. Could this project be something you could conceivably achieve if you were able to devote 30 minutes a day out of the possible 40,839,120 minutes estimated to be the average lifespan in the U.S? Is this project something that could involve other people so that the time investment needed is spread out?

Passion projects don't have to be grand schemes to garner fame or riches, they just have to be honest. E.g Learn a new language, write a book, run for public office, invent something unusual and get a patent for it, start a non-profit, start a blog, start a small business, get certified in a random skill not related to your current job, earn another degree, volunteer in another country, volunteer in your neighborhood... the list is endless.

Make a commitment today to start thinking about your passion project and what it would take to achieve it. Remember it is never too late or too early to start!