I Relieve Stress By…

There are so many ways I could complete the above sentence but the one activity that popped into my mind almost instinctively was writing. Keeping a journal is an often overlooked tool for unwinding. Getting those thoughts and worries out of your head frees up space for clearer reasoning and hopefully happier memories. The best part about keeping a journal is that there doesn't have to be any rules or structure to what or how you write. Also you are your own audience! Looking back over those entries a few months or years down the line provides an amazing opportunity for self reflection. You can see how much you have grown, learn from your mistakes and maybe laugh at the silly things that worried you at the time. If journaling is not your thing, may I recommend poetry? Seriously, give it a try! Your poems don't have to be long or deep or even rhyme so have fun with it! When you feel brave enough, go ahead and share with your family and friends. You will be surprised at the response you get!