Ten Things
The tweets that led to this JAMA podcast targeted new physicians, but all healthcare providers should listen.
Episode: Ten Things Every New Doctor Should Know About Drug Reactions
- Excellent discussion on using medication history to tell if a patient has Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome (NMS) vs. Serotonin Syndrome (SS). Suspect NMS for patients on dopamine receptor blockers (e.g. antipsychotics) or even recently discontinued dopaminergic drugs (e.g. Parkinson meds). Consider SS if high dose serotonergic drugs (e.g. SSRI’s) are involved.
- Good reminder to watch sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim for potassium retention. Use caution in patients with impaired kidney function taking other potassium-sparing drugs (e.g. ACE inhibitors, spironolactone).
- Very informative portion on pain treatment (sorry tramadol & codeine fans :D).
Of course I celebrated the part at the end where they talked about pharmacists. These respected physicians must work with some exemplary pharmas to show such appreciation for our profession!
Direct link to the episode (copy and paste in your browser): https://edhub.ama-assn.org/jn-learning/audio-player/18550687